Sunday, August 15, 2010

Houten Part IV

I am a stubborn man.  I often do things the hard way, and making this pipe, I stand firm to my obstinate ways.  If you remember, this particular block of briar has two large flaws in it.  As I wrote previously, I was just going to blast/rusticate it and move on.  Done deal.  Not a chance!  I decided to sand through the defects and forge ahead!  It brought a change to my pipe shape and size, but I think it will still be a fantastic pipe.  I think the new shape is a brandeggcano.  However it is classified, I like it!

Working on it throughout the week, I came to a stopping point after sanding through the defects. After removing the flaws I equalied the shape, making it symmetrical.  Well, mostly. The back of the bowl had been flattened a great deal, removing much of the 'brandy' curve I had on it.  The front retained its curvier countenance however.  I did get rid of the flaws too!

Today I spent a portion of the day with Wayne in his shop, finalizing the stummel shape.  The shank had been paid no real attention until today.  Chainsaw and needle files, sand paper rolled up and flat sheet and a pencil to mark the shape.  I took the radius of the shank to bowl transition down to a compact arc.  I know this is one of the defining points making a hand made pipe excellent or just average.  I also know Wayne is a stickler about it and that's why his pipes are some of the best I have seen.  I got the thumbs up from him as he took a break from one of his new creations to inspected my work.

We had a smoke together, discussing one of his latest challenges, building a stem system to fit a single German style stummel.  He will be using a nice piece of cherry wood he obtained from his own front yard.  It will look fantastic when it is completed!  He had some McClellands 2008 Christmas Cheer in a Mastro De Paja on which he had done a stem repair.  I smoked some McClellands No. 25 Virginia a friend sent me in my recently obtained Mario Grandi poker.  I am smoking the same as I write this.  I have learned the pipe is fairly tough on the 'ol jaw!  I think it will be more of a 'holding' pipe.  It smokes quite well and I am pretty happy with it.

Until the next post, happy piping!

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