Monday, January 25, 2010

Pipe Cleaners

It has been a long time since my last post. A lot of water, a lot of bridges. Moving along...

I have found I really gravitate to vintage items. You can see in my last post I have grown fond of records. Around that time perhaps before, my memory fails me, I had taken to tobacco pipes. I had always thought they were cool and enjoyed the fragrance, unlike any other form of tobacco. It all started one fateful summer night at a friend's place. Up on the balcony of his place enjoying the calm evening and sunset after having eaten a great meal, he and another of my friends lit up. I was offered and it's history from there. I soon went to my local tobacco shop, Randy's on Lafayette Rd. here in Indy, and got my own kit. I picked out a full bent 'basket' pipe and they supplied all the other tools in the kit I bought.
My first light up with my own pipe was at a bachelor party my friends and I had at my place that fall. Of course I made the rookie mistakes and could hardly get the pipe lit, nor keep it lit. With some practice I got the hang of it. With more practice I learned how to keep a 'cherry' lit in the center, although later I learned it was too hot and the reason I was getting so much tongue bite. I was getting pretty good at building a nominal 'cake' in the bowl too. Being a details person, I truly love the intricacies and for lack of a better term, the intimacy with each pipe.
My affinity for the pipe led me to look in thrift shops and antique stores for old pipes. I was on the hunt for a pipe like Bing Crosby smoked. Throughout my search I have found many variations of pipe I like. This also brought me to getting 'lots' of pipes on ebay and cleaning and selling the ones I didn't care to keep. The process grew and so did my knowledge of pipes. I now list on average 8-12 pipes every Saturday night on ebay. Still a growing hobby and a growing knowledge. I hope to be able to use my creative abilities and make my own soon. For now, I just clean and refurbish. More to come.